What About the Money?

Everyone knows our government has been purchased by billionaires and huge corporations, but this fact rarely comes up.  I don't see how we can get much of anything done while billions of corporate-oligarch dollars are pouring into the political system.  The Supreme Court has designated that corporations are people and money is speech, so the only real fix is a Constitutional amendment.  Not an easy task, but nothing the left is trying to do is easy. 

The MoveToAmend folks seem to me like they're on the right track, but most people haven't even heard of them.  Imagine if all the lefty hosts started pushing for this, and starting calling any politician who is not onboard what they are: corrupt.  The proposed amendment is very straightforward; just a few paragraphs; check it out below, or on their website.

Section 1. Artificial Entities Such as Corporations Do Not Have Constitutional Rights

The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons only.

Artificial entities established by the laws of any State, the United States, or any foreign state shall have no rights under this Constitution and are subject to regulation by the People, through Federal, State, or local law.

The privileges of artificial entities shall be determined by the People, through Federal, State, or local law, and shall not be construed to be inherent or inalienable.

Section 2. Money is Not Free Speech

Federal, State, and local government shall regulate, limit, or prohibit contributions and expenditures, including a candidate's own contributions and expenditures, to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their economic status, have access to the political process, and that no person gains, as a result of their money, substantially more access or ability to influence in any way the election of any candidate for public office or any ballot measure.

Federal, State, and local government shall require that any permissible contributions and expenditures be publicly disclosed.

The judiciary shall not construe the spending of money to influence elections to be speech under the First Amendment.

Section 3.

Nothing in this amendment shall be construed to abridge freedom of the press.

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